About me

At this point you might have wondered who I am, so let me tell you more about me.


The profile picture of me
The profile picture of me

I consider myself a hobbyist gamedev and webdev and while I wish I was more of the former, I definitely am the latter as of writing this. In the real world I am studying computer science and media.

I have quite the variety of interests, including movies, TV shows, anime, manga, books and of course video games, basically any form of media you can imagine. And while my book consumption dropped by a large margin over time, my audiobook consumption has steadily increased over the last year.


Gamedev is definitely a passion I have, which I currently don't really do. Over the last few years, I have created a lot of experiments, successful or failed attempts of implementing certain features, but nothing I would call a real game, which is quite sad. Gamejams are on my todo-list, but nothing I currently pursue for a handful of reasons.


Besides gamedev, webdev is the other founding pillar of my coding skills. This website and the discord bot are basically evolving and in a neverending flow state. I primarily use Next to create this totally overengineered blog.

More generally I am interested in all things FOSS. Blender, Godot, Linux and even things like osu!lazer peak my interest.


If you also like FOSS, you might check out the website of my buddy Lyfja.