
Christof Reimers

Hey there!

So there was this tutorial I watched a while back on how to create an Endless Runner in Unity.


The video I am talking about is "Make an Endless Runner" by TairaGames and from looking at the original project file I followed it like 2 weeks after the video was released in early february 2018.

It is not very in depth but I didn't care as I followed it in Godot Engine 2.1.

Yes, you read right, Godot 2.1. It's been a reaaaally long time since I started using Godot.

Now you might pause and say: "Holdup! There's something wrong here, you did this mid february 2018 in Godot 2.1 but I can clearly remember that Godot 3.0 was released end of january 2018. So Godot 3 was released before you followed this tutorial. Why didn't you use that?" To this I can say: I have no fricking clue. It has been over 5 years, why should I remember something like that. But I think I had problems early on with Godot 3 but eventually came around using it as you will see. (And I probably just missed the release of Godot 3.0)

Anyway, I followed this tutorial and the game that came around by this was created in like 2 days.

I did rewrite the whole thing and added powerups to the game. And then, a few months later I think, I came around I did port it to Godot 3.0 and rewrote it again. I have no idea what I had planned back then but the unreleased content confuses me. Really, I look at it and go: HUH????

At this point in the story you might still be wondering why I am going back to something that old, literally from another era of the Godot Engine.

That is a valid question and I will answer that.

The Homepage

So, some of you might know (but probably not) that this whole homepage has a long history. It started in november 2018 as I realized I could host reveal.js presentations on GitHub Pages.

First I did it with html, then later I redid it with jekyll directly, now I am using next.js and I am currently reworking this whole thing to work on the next.js 13 app directory (because it makes certain things a lot easier).

Recently, I searched my GitHub repos for ejs files as I was dead sure I had used it before (And I did find them) and there I found the old Homepage-V1 repo, and in it a folder called "Games/Endless/web" with the web version of that damned Endless runner inside.

Now that everyone is caught up on the dumb stuff I did in 2018, let's return to the present.

Godot 4.0

So, there is a new version of Godot and no I don't mean Godot 3.6, I mean Godot 4.0 of course, the savior of us all, the one and only. Only fitting to port this piece of crap right?

And so once again, I wasted two days of my life creating a game I thought I left behind in the last decade.

And you can play it right now, but it currently doesn't have any powerups right now (but it does has a lootlocker leaderboard!). Some things are kinda weird about this one but at least the code doesn't give me PTSD.

Well, this has been quite the long nonsense so I rather hide in a corner now until I find a new topic to ramble about.